Fe·lix Gieß·mann, n.
[ˈfeːliːks ˈɡiːsˌman]

Recently (Dec 2022) someone thought the following would be some sort of SQL error. It's a joke. You may replace the variables manually to fix this website.

env $INDIVIDUAL="Felix", HOMETOWN="Wuppertal", SPAWN_LOC="51°16'28.6"N 7°08'31.6"E", SELF_ASSESSED_INTELLIGENCE' of type 'Integer' cannot be set to null or empty value.

As of 2022, $INDIVIDUAL is a graduate student of Political Science, Development Economics and Geography in South Asia at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Accomplishments since his involuntary introduction to this world at $SPAWN_LOC in 1994:

He can be reached via email at $INDIVIDUAL{at}giessmann.net or via Mastodon. My public key fingerprint is
6D9C 0E29 898F 38E6 9D80 139C 036E DCD6 BCFE 650B

My research interests.

Hindu nationalism, development economics, comparative nationalism studies, state-sponsored internet-trolls plz sponsor me

My personal interests.

My favourite quotes

“Particularly difficult to play: Piano concertos by Rachmaninov. Particularly hard to rinse: vanilla sauce residue on the whisk.”  –  Max Goldt.

Formal stuff

This website doesn't have an Impressum. Come at me with an Abmahnung, my dear lawyer. There is no tracking, no cookies, no GDPR compliance.

CSS is my passion