Fe·lix Gieß·mann, n.
[ˈfeːliːks ˈɡiːsˌman]

Recently (Dec 2022) someone thought the following would be some sort of SQL error. It's a joke. You may replace the variables manually to fix this website.
env $INDIVIDUAL="Felix", HOMETOWN="Wuppertal", SPAWN_LOC="51°16'28.6"N 7°08'31.6"E", SELF_ASSESSED_INTELLIGENCE' of type 'Integer' cannot be set to null or empty value.
As of 2022, $INDIVIDUAL
is a graduate student of Political Science, Development Economics and Geography in South Asia at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Accomplishments since his involuntary introduction to this world at $SPAWN_LOC
in 1994:
- Graduated in Political Science and Economics at the University of
in 2019. - He worked at r-tec Cyber Security for roughly three-and-a-half years.
- He lived in Bangalore between 2016 and 2017.
- He studied at Jawaharlal Nehru University in
- He studied at University of Göttingen from 2020-2022 but left to be in the same city as …
- … his wife Varsha who is an awesome person, aspiring Conference Interpreter and LaTeX-Nerd.
He can be reached via email at $INDIVIDUAL
{at}giessmann.net or via Mastodon. My public key fingerprint is
6D9C 0E29 898F 38E6 9D80 139C 036E DCD6 BCFE 650B
My research interests.
Hindu nationalism, development economics, comparative nationalism studies, state-sponsored internet-trolls plz sponsor me
My personal interests.
- GNU/Linux (especially openSUSE) and ThinkPads
- Indian cuisine
- Hosting guests from abroad
My favourite quotes
“Particularly difficult to play: Piano concertos by Rachmaninov. Particularly hard to rinse: vanilla sauce residue on the whisk.” – Max Goldt.
Formal stuff
This website doesn't have an Impressum. Come at me with an Abmahnung, my dear lawyer. There is no tracking, no cookies, no GDPR compliance.